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Fernando Martínez, elected new president of REDFUE

The General Assembly of the Red de Fundaciones Universidad Empresa (REDFUE), held yesterday 18 October in Madrid, unanimously elected the executive vice-president of the Fundación Universidad Empresa, Fernando Martínez Gómez, as the new president of the REDFUE association.

The members of the association’s executive committee were also elected, the vice-presidents being: Juan Manuel Penín López-Terradas, managing director at ADEIT Fundación Universidad-Empresa de la Universitat de València, and Jorge Izquierdo Zubiate manager of the Fundación General de la Universidad de Burgos and continuing as Secretary-Treasurer of the Network Ana Gea, manager of the Fundación de la Universidad de Almería.

The new president’s objective is to position REDFUE at international level. Fernando Martínez summarises the main objectives of his mandate as follows: ‘’We want to reach beyond our borders. For this, REDFUE counts on the support of the international chamber network (Camescom) and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, two institutions that will help us to position REDFUE in the international environment, and thus be able to expand and disseminate the impact of the organisation among young people, universities and companies‘’.