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The Corporación para el Desarrollo de la Región de los Ríos de Chile (Codeproval) and its partner universities meet with the Red de Fundaciones Universidad-Empresa in Madrid

During the day, the Chilean delegation met with the associates of the Red de Fundaciones Universidad Empresa (REDFUE) and other public and private entities, with the aim of joining efforts to promote University-Enterprise relations.

– At the meeting with the foundations associated with REDFUE, experiences, programmes and value proposals of the associates in their areas of activity were presented: training, research and knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship, internships and scholarships in companies, and the development of talent and international projects, in favour of linking university activity with the business world.

– The meeting was also attended by the delegate of the Presidency of CRUE Spanish Universities, José Mª Sanz Martínez, who gave his vision of the higher education system in Spain, as well as the strategy and organisation of the rectors’ association and its contribution to the country’s development.

On the other hand, the company Alegría-activity, presented the project La Rueda del Talento, an initiative promoted by the REDFUE that aims to raise awareness, make accessible and give value to university-business relations as a strategic factor for development, exchange of experiences and territorial structuring, especially in areas with greater difficulties and at risk of depopulation.

– Finally, the Secretary General for Innovation, Teresa Riesgo, received representatives from Codeproval, the Universidad Austral de Chile, the Universidad San Sebastián and the Universidad Santo Tomas, from the Los Ríos Region of Chile, accompanied by the Fundación Chile España, who were very satisfied with their presentation and offer of collaboration in the field of innovation and technological development.