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The Red de Fundaciones Universidad Empresa has organised a working lunch with the Secretary General for Universities of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, José Manuel Pingarrón

The meeting addressed the problems related to the recent regulation of social security contributions for internships, as well as the drafting of the White Paper on Internships, a framework document on external academic internships (regulated, university and professional training) that will serve as a guide for the main agents involved: public administration, companies and organisations, managers, tutors and students.

The meeting was attended by several members of the executive committee and associates of REDFUE, including the President of REDFUE and Executive Vice-President of Fundación Universidad Empresa, Fernando Martínez Gómez, Jorge Izquierdo, Vice-President of REDFUE and Manager of the General Foundation of the University of Burgos, Juan Manuel Penín, Vice-President of REDFUE and Managing Director of the General Foundation of the University of Burgos, Juan Manuel Penín, Vice-president of REDFUE and Managing Director of ADEIT (Fundación Universidad – Empresa de la Universitat de València), Ana Gea, Secretary and Treasurer of REDFUE and Manager of Fundación Universidad de Almería, Gloria Serra, Manager of Fundación Universidad Empresa de Castellón, Miguel López, Director of Fundación de la Región de Murcia and Carmen Palomino Pérez, Director of Fundación Universidad Empresa.