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Strategic and International Alliances

Strategic Alliances

In a globalised and interconnected world, it is necessary to be in contact with public and private agents involved in University-Business relations, as well as to be present in the forums and platforms necessary to advance in fulfilling the goals of the member foundations.

REDFUE establishes strategic alliances aimed at developing international networks that favour the work carried out by our members through the exchange of knowledge and experiences and the promotion of initiatives of strategic value.

Represent the associated foundations in forums, congresses and panels of international experts in the sector.

Participate in expert commissions on behalf of the university-business foundations in the regulatory processes that affect them.

Collect and disseminate information on trends in the international sector that may be of interest to member foundations.

In this regard, since its creation REDFUE has been a member of various working groups and expert commissions of different entities such as the OTRI Registration Commission of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Internationalisation Group of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, promoting the internationalisation strategy of Spanish universities since 2013, and the Action Plan for ‘University-Company’ internationalisation in 2015 together with CRUE I+D, SEPIE, MINECO, ICEX, MECD and MAEC- AECID

In Spain, REDFUE collaborates with the Ministry of Universities, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, among others, and with entities such as CRUE, CONFERENCIA CONSEJOS SOCIALES, CEOE-CEPYME, CÁMARA DE ESPAÑA, CDTI, ENISA, FORO ADR, ALASTRIA, AECOC, COTEC, and FEDIT, among others


At the international level, REDFUE is present in different transnational networks such as the European University Business Forum organised by the European Union and the University-Business Network – Latin America, Caribbean and Europe (Reduce-ALCUE), and collaborates with other organisations in order to establish synergies, such as the European Union, EURADA, IAP, the Ibero-American Secretariat of State, and the Ibero-American Foundation for Knowledge Development, among others.