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Partners activities

Future trends, opportunities and challenges related to demographics, the economy, the environment, digital transformation and the unstoppable evolution of science demand understanding between universities and business to lay the foundations for a competitive economy and a stronger and more prosperous future labour market in Spain.

In this sense, REDFUE’s members make an essential contribution to meeting these major challenges through their areas of activity: training, research and knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship, internships and scholarships in companies, talent development and international projects.

Training Activities

REDFUE’s member foundations work towards employment and training, fostering people’s talent to increase the competitiveness of companies.

Three lines of action:

In-house postgraduate training, offering specialisation courses to meet the needs of numerous groups

Training students through programmes that enhance their competencies and skills, and improve their employability, including technological skills and digital competencies.

Continuous in-company training: Consultancy and design of training strategies for companies and institutions, development of professional development courses, and management of continuous, occupational and specialised training courses, among others.

Member Foundations provide training to more than 60,000 students through 3,000 courses per year.

Research, innovation and technology transfer

REDFUE and the Foundations foster communication between university research and companies, bringing scientific research closer to the market and optimising their collaboration to advance towards a better society.

In a constantly transforming world, with ever more rapid changes, innovation is key to meeting the new challenges and maximising the opportunities brought by globalisation and digitalisation: Member foundations promote and put the competence, experience and scientific and technical knowledge generated by university research groups at the service of the productive fabric.

Lines of action:

Establishment of collaborative spaces.

Awareness-raising and training activities for teaching and research staff.

Promotion of joint RD&I projects with the participation of mixed teams of companies and researchers.

Administrative management services for RD&I projects with companies.

REDFUE’s member foundations manage more than 700 RD&I projects annually, collaborating with more than 600 companies


REDFUE’s member foundations are committed to entrepreneurship training in order to develop the country’s entrepreneurial capacity, and have been training entrepreneurs and developing business creation programmes for decades

Lines of action:

REDFUE’s foundations encourage entrepreneurship in the university environment and favour job creation through:

Financial, legal and technical advice on projects.

By providing the entrepreneurial ecosystem with useful information on all aspects of RD&I that can contribute to improving their competitive position: calls for national and European programmes; grants for RD&I; search for partners; and congresses, conferences, seminars and awards, among others.

Guidance in the implementation of the project.

In the last three years, member foundations have helped to create 570 new companies.

Internships and scholarships

REDFUE’s member foundations have partnerships with more than 13,300 companies.

The objective of the internship is to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in academic training while favouring the acquisition of professional skills to facilitate student employability and entrepreneurship.

There are two types of internships: curricular and extracurricular. Curricular internships are academic activities integrated into the curriculum (undergraduate and graduate degrees). On the other hand, extracurricular activities are voluntary and do not form part of the curriculum.

Internships are an introduction to business reality and a unique opportunity to acquire professional skills and aptitudes, essential for the future professional development of students.

REDFUE member foundations promote and process National and International Internships for more than 25,000 students per year.

In addition, through training scholarships, REDFUE’s foundations promote the employment of students and university graduates, and in certain cases, vocational training graduates.

Thanks to REDFUE Foundations, more than 5,800 students benefit each year from training scholarships.


The foundations are intensively active in the field of professional insertion and development and collaborate with thousands of companies, helping them to find the most outstanding professionals in the market, carrying out more than 600 job promotion activities and providing employment to more than 1,100 in 2021.

International projects

REDFUE’s member foundations promote more than 100 international exchange and mobility programmes with universities in other countries.

In addition, they encourage the international vocation of students by managing international job offers, developing academic internship programmes for foreign university students in Spain, visualising international volunteer activities and international cooperation programmes for development, and establishing international networks that favour student development.