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Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa de la Comunitat Valenciana M.P.

Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa de la Comunitat Valenciana M.P.






Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa de la Comunitat Valenciana M.P. (FUE-UJI) is an institution with its own legal personality, included in the public sector with the consideration of the University Jaume I of Castelló’s own media, of a cultural, non-profit nature, promoted by the Social Council of the Universitat Jaume I, for the University itself and for the business community.

The FUE-UJI was created to give content to the commitment to collaborate with the Universitat Jaume I in the promotion and promotion of activities linked to its own postgraduate training and continuing training, to the promotion of the transfer of research results, to the actions to promote the labor insertion of graduates through the extracurricular internship program, support in the internationalization and management of European projects, the organization of conferences and conferences; and to improve the potential of companies and the economic and social sectors of Castellón. 

Currently, 36 prominent organizations in the province of Castellón, private companies and entities, are part of its Board of Trustees.